Vietnam Embassy & Consulate worldwide

The conventional approach to obtaining a legitimate visa for Vietnam is to reach out to the nearest Vietnam Embassy/Consulate. This method is particularly advantageous for individuals in proximity to the embassy/consulate's office.

The overall prerequisites for obtaining a visa through the Vietnam embassy.

Individuals who intend to request a visa for Vietnam at the embassy/consulate must ensure that:

  • Their passport is valid for at least 06 months following the date of entry into Vietnam;
  • Their passport has at least 2 blank pages.

The necessary paperwork for obtaining a visa from the Vietnam embassy.

The essential documents needed for obtaining a visa at a Vietnam embassy/consulate may differ based on the specific embassy/consulate where you plan to submit your application. However, at a minimum, the following documents are typically mandatory:

1. Original passport

  • Meeting the requirements above

2. An application form

  • Which is printed out from the website of the embassy with which you are applying for the visa, completed, and glued with your photo

3. Sponsor letter from a Vietnam-based company

  • Required for those who are applying for a Vietnam business visa

The process for obtaining a Vietnamese visa at the embassy

The protocol for obtaining a visa at the Vietnam embassy/consulate may vary. While some embassies allow submissions via mail and in person, others only permit in-person submissions. Below is the typical procedure for obtaining a Vietnam embassy visa:

  • Step 1: Prepare the documents and fees required by the embassy
  • Step 2: Travel to the embassy to submit the application documents, pay for the visa fee and also get an arrangement note for visa processing, and then travel back home and wait
  • Step 3: Travel to the embassy again to get the visa and passport

Important Note:

To get a visa for Vietnam in this way, you should be aware that:

  • The visa documents and procedure vary depending on the embassy. So, to save your time and cost, you should call or email them for details before visiting the embassy;
  • The application form should be downloaded on the website of the embassy/taken right to the front desk of the embassy as it may not be the same for all embassies/consulates;
  • The Vietnam visa fee also varies depending on the embassy;
  • You get the visa stamped on your passport before your trip to Vietnam.
  • If you are flying to Vietnam and have no time to follow the procedure to get a visa for Vietnam at the embassy, you can consider applying online from us  Urgent Visa To Vietnam


(*) To obtain information regarding Vietnam embassies/consulates in foreign nations, including their addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, please select the relevant country from the options below:


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